When Should You Hire a Website Copywriter?

Aug 26, 2024




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A website copywriter specializing in story-driven sales copy for creative founders. Through a strategy-first approach, I help you show up online and sell with sincerity.

Hi, I'm Erika

If I had a dollar for every website copy inquiry reading, “I’m under a bit of a time crunch. I only have two weeks before I need to meet with my web designer” (← words from an actual prospect)…

…I’d still be writing website copy, but I could buy a lot of avocados. The thing is—that prospect is one of many who booked a website designer before considering copy. It’s okay, it happens often!

Hire a copywriter at least three months before your copy deadline to avoid sending last-minute inquiries.

And that’s it. Blog post: done.

Just kidding.

That’s the gist, but nuances abound. If you’re reading this, you likely have a few questions about when to hire a website copywriter. Consider these four questions—


No. 01: Are you planning a launch or rebrand?

If your website is part of your launch or rebrand, consider hiring a copywriter before design. I collaborate with a lot of web designers who say copy is their biggest blocker.

Copy and brand design (i.e., your logo, color palette, and fonts) can usually happen in either order. But when it comes to your website, copy comes first. I’ll die on this hill:

Copy informs design.

Think of copy as the blueprint for your website. It outlines the content structure—

  • How much space does each headline need?
  • Where do the subheadlines fit in?
  • How long is each section of body copy?
  • Where do the call-to-action buttons go?


Copy determines the space and layout needed for your website to convert. Without it, your designer can only estimate what goes where. A website copywriter provides the strategic foundation based on your conversion goals.

So, are you considering a website launch or rebrand in the next 3+ months?

✘ No—you don’t need to hire a website copywriter right now*
✔ Yes—continue to question no. 02

*Unless your website copy is converting poorly, in which case a conversion-focused website copywriter can audit and optimize for you. 


No. 02: What’s your budget?

A copywriter’s pricing depends on their experience, expertise, demand, business model, and more. In short, the cost varies based on several factors.

As of 2024, website copywriters with proven results charge around $4,500 to $7,500+ for a standard website (i.e., 3-5+ web pages). This includes the research and discovery needed to succeed.

Other factors, like SEO and brand voice development, can increase the cost. CopyHackers has a free quote calculator you can use to get a rough estimate based on your project needs.

You can always find someone to do the work for less—but I don’t recommend it unless they can prove results. Otherwise, you’ll redo your copy within a year or two. I’ve rewritten website copy for plenty of clients who went this route, coming to me with comments like:

  • “My current website is a bland one, created by a legal-focused company.”
  • “I made the mistake of going with an agency that created a cookie-cutter situation on my website that I’m trying to reconfigure. Copy is a top priority this time.”
  • “I spent thousands of dollars on design… I wish I would’ve just spent that money on a copywriter.”


I’m a stickler for efficiency—and a huge proponent of “do it right the first time.” If you can’t invest in copy and design right now, I recommend starting with copy or waiting until you can invest in both.

Do you have the budget to invest in website copywriting services?

✘ No—skip to question no. 04
✔ Yes—continue to question no. 03


No. 03: What’s your timeline?

As a general rule of thumb, you should hire a copywriter at least three months before your copy deadline. Most copywriters book out 1-3 months in advance and need 2-6+ weeks to complete a website copy project. Website design can take anywhere from 4-12+ weeks.

Here’s a sample timeline for a standard 5-page website with custom copy and design—

Launch date: April 15

  • Website copywriting: 4 weeks
  • Website design: 8 weeks


That means you should:

  • Hire your website copywriter by November 15
  • Start website copy by January 15
  • Hire your website designer by December 15
  • Start website design by February 15


You can shorten your timeline with a website copywriter (like me!) who offers copy intensives and a web designer who offers template customization. For example, my site uses a TONIC template with customizations by The Happy Brand.

Here’s a sample timeline using a copy intensive and website template customization—

Launch date: April 15

  • Website copywriting: 2 weeks
  • Website design: 2 weeks


That means you should:

  • Hire your website copywriter by January 15
  • Start website copy by March 15
  • Hire your website designer by January 31
  • Start website design by March 31


Although these are sample timelines based on averages, they give you an idea of when to book your dream team.

Do you have enough time to work with a website copywriter?

✘ No—continue to question no. 04
✔ Yes—you’re ready to hire a copywriter! Check out my copywriting services.


No. 04: Can you do it yourself?

Sometimes, “now” isn’t the right time to hire a website copywriter. If you want:

a) a more budget-friendly option
b) to work at your own pace
c) to learn how to write copy yourself

…consider using a website copywriting template from an experienced copywriter. With the right template, you get the same strategy without hours of Googling.

If your business is brand new, writing your own copy can also help you gain clarity and confidence in your offers. A lot can change in the first 1-2 years! But if you’ve been in business long enough to know your audience and offers to a T, a website copywriter can help you reach the next level.

All that said, could you benefit from writing your own copy?

✘ No—explore my done-for-you website copywriting services
✔ Yesjoin the waitlist for my website copy template (dropping Fall ‘24)


So—should you hire a copywriter right now?

In the words of every lawyer, “it depends.” Copywriters do more than “write stuff.” We blend art and science to pitch your value to the right prospects. Think strategy, SEO, sales, and storytelling. If you have the budget, time, and business plan—a copywriter can help you reach the next level.

To recap, now might be the right time to hire a website copywriter if: 

  • You’re planning a website launch or rebrand in the next 3+ months
  • You have at least $4,500 to invest in copywriting services
  • You have 3-5+ months before your website launch date
  • You have a clear business plan, target audience, and offers


Hi, I’m Erika Fitzgerald—a website copywriter specializing in story-driven sales copy for creative founders and small business owners. Through a strategy-first approach, I help you show up in search results and sell with sincerity. Sound like your cup of tea? Get in touch to discuss your project.

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